As a growing organization, there are qualities that are not just worthwhile but rather represent our organization’s highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and our fundamental driving forces. They are the heart of what our organization’s operation. Below are our the reflection of core mandate:


Our Mission is to create life-changing opportunities for vulnerable children by supporting their Physical, Social, Moral and Professional Development.


The Vision of CHRAD is to create a human society in which the primary concern and pursuit is the survival and development of mankind to make a life for the vulnerable worth living.


We believe that there should be no dead-end child. In other words, every child must be allowed to exhibit their God-given talent in pursuit of their plight.


Our main goal is to ensure that vulnerable children are nurtured morally, socially, physically and professionally that they will grow-up to become assets to society.

Corporate Aims and Objectives:

  • To promote and uphold self-reliance, self-determination, self-esteem, and self-worth among vulnerable children and young adults in deprived communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • To counsel young adults in deprived areas to see their communities as homes, to which they owe a moral, social and patriotic obligation to rebuild, develop and protect at all times.
  • To assist young adults within the communities which we operate to identify and make good use of opportunities available for self-advancement
  • To identify and support sustainable programs for the vulnerable children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth.
  • To build upon the strengths and successes of individual children and also help them overcome weaknesses while identifying opportunities for their growth.


The following list of core values reflects what is truly important to us as an organization. These are not values that change from time to time, situation to situation, but rather they are the reinforcement of our organization’s culture and practice and include the following:

1. Sustainability:

Valuing process and procedure and we also consider long-term impacts and sustainability before undertaking any project.

2. Transparency and Accountability:

We strive to provide access, clear, accurate and up-to-date information on all our activities and finances. We hold ourselves to high standards and always allow a representative of a donor agency to be part of the implementation of any project except otherwise decided by the same.

3. Equity:

Our organization believes in the principle of sharing wealth equally among vulnerable children and providing equal opportunity for all irrespective of Race, Colour, Religious Background or Circumstance.  We encourage the deprived communities where we operate to exhibit the same, knowing that the success of the development is measured by how well the less privileged interpret living conditions.

4. Cooperation and partnership:

We are constantly but consciously broadening our network with like-minded individuals and organizations. We respect the wishes of network partners and the communities they serve – and we endeavor to create a shared voice, working together in a manner that enables us to achieve our shared goals and live our shared values.